Analyst Report News

Satellite technology can help to reach Net Zero targets by 2040: Inmarsat

The latest modelling from Globant and Inmarsat have revealed existing and developing satellite technologies could cut a further 18% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2040.

The world could reach Net Zero up to 10 years ahead of the 2050 target date if industries make the most of existing and emerging space technologies, according to new data modelling from Globant’s Sustainable Business Studio, commissioned by Inmarsat.

Satellite technology already saves 2.5% of total GHG emissions, but the report reveals a clear missed opportunity to fast-forward the transition. Globant’s analysis suggests that full adoption of currently available satellite technologies by 2030 would make it possible to achieve a further 9% reduction in global emissions.

Commenting on the findings of the report, Elena Morettini, lead scientist behind the report and Global Head of Sustainable Business at Globant, said: “Following the close of COP27 it remains clear that solutions to reducing humanity’s carbon emissions are vitally important. What we know is that from a technological and scientific standpoint, the potential reduction in CO2 emissions from satellite technologies is immense.

“It is definitely not a lack of innovation preventing greater sustainability success. Instead, it is a lack of investment that stands in the way of bringing the Net Zero reality closer to the findings of our modelling.”

Examples of how far-reaching the impact of nascent satellite technologies could be for decarbonisation include in passenger transport, technologies like route optimisation, the rise of air taxis, and continued working from-home practices can deliver 3.1 Gt of CO2 emissions – equivalent to just over the entire EU’s 2019 emissions2; in freight transport, we could see a 25-fold decrease in carbon emissions from speed management and fleet management innovations (0.05Gt to 1.25Gt); and in oil and gas, methane detection could deliver a reduction of at least 10% of emissions – encouraging news for the methane pact discussed at COP273

Rajeev Suri, Inmarsat CEO, stated: “Satellite technology today helps tackle climate change and, with greater will and investment, it can deliver even more in the future. Globant’s modelling demonstrates how space can make a major contribution to slashing humanity’s carbon emissions, with emerging technologies offering even more benefits, alongside other similar initiatives. Progress does not need to stop, nor be reversed for the world to meet its Net Zero goals. That is why it is imperative that governments and industry leaders take the initiative to assess their decarbonisation strategies with satellite technologies in mind and align their investments to solutions that not only decarbonise, but make industries more efficient and resilient, helping to build for the future.”

Diego Tartara, Chief Technology Officer at Globant, commented: “Our perspective is that any challenge is better solved in a collaborative manner and that technology can be a powerful decarbonisation accelerator. We are proud that Inmarsat chose us to produce such eye-opening research that confirms the amazing opportunities, both, in terms of efficiencies and optimisations that satellite communications can offer to a broad array of sectors”, he added.