Africa satellite stories News

Nigeria to launch four satellites to strengthen space tech capability

Three of the four approved satellites will carry optical payloads and the fourth satellite (Synthetic Aperture Radar) will replace the current Cintetic Reader satellite.

 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has approved the launch of four new satellites to advance Nigeria’s efforts and enhance its space technology capabilities. The announcement was made by Dr Matthew Adepoju, the Director General of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), at the 8th Brigadier General Michael Agu (Rtd) annual distinguished lecture and awards ceremony.

Three of the four approved satellites will carry optical payloads. The fourth satellite, a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite, will be launched to replace the current Cintetic Reader satellite. This initiative highlights Nigeria’s dedication to strengthening its technological infrastructure and enhancing its space technology development and exploration capabilities.

Several Nigerian satellites have deorbited or are nearing the end of their missions, making the launch of new satellites essential to sustaining Nigeria’s position in global space development.