These changes aim to capitalise on the strengths of the company's employees and further develop their skills in line with the group's strategy.
Search Results For - Orange Jordan
Raslan Deiranieh began his tenure with Jordan Telecom Company in 1998, coming from the Central Bank of Jordan.
This strategic step comes amid recent leadership transitions announced by Orange Jordan.
Nokia has won a deal to deploy a 5G network with equipment from its latest AirScale Baseband and Radio portfolio including Nokia's next-generation massive MIMO...
The summit will examine challenges and opportunities associated with the 5G ecosystem, especially since MENA has led the way in 5G deployments.
Cairo Amman Baghdad System, which will contribute to an enhanced, high-speed highway between Europe and Iraq, will be ready for service in Q3 2022.
The new programmes in Balqa will include an Orange FabLab to train the applicants on digital fabrication skills.
Orange Jordan and Nokia have signed a deal in 2017 to deploy GPON fibre throughout the kingdom.
The local monitoring and reporting initiatives will be based in GlobeCast’s regional monitoring center in Jordan Media City (JMC), in Amman, Jordan.