Speedcast has deployed Starlink for more than a third of its customers across all maritime and enterprise applications.
Search Results For - Sigma platform
The application offers real time detection and protection solution with a managed 24×7 security operations center (SOC) service. T
P&O Maritime Logistics will benefit from the latest version of this cloud-native, re-engineered SIGMA software released by Speedcast in 2023.
Feger will help the company introduce a new architecture for its SIGMA network management platform.
Maritime customer installation completed following successful sea trials of OneWeb LEO connectivity service.
The dual Ka-band antenna solution provides non-metered bandwidth throughout the full itinerary of the ship for the next two years.
Enhanced network management platform bridges the future of networking with SD-WAN, over-the-air upgrade features, and edge applications.
The integration of the software element of the Fleet Xpress Network Service Device will also allow SpeedCast to build value added solutions and applications...