In total, more than 150 Qatar Airways’ aircraft will reportedly have OnAir connectivity, including its Boeing 787s.
Mobile Satellite Services
Norsat International Inc. has introduced new Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and custom microwave products for airborne and Ka multi-band applications
C-Com Satellite Systems Inc. has announced that its iNetVuKa-98H antenna system, combined with the HNS 2W Dual IFL transceiver, is suitable to operate over the...
Move hoped to boost the outlining of strategies and future plans that are currently underway
The global in-flight connectivity market is expected to grow, with more than 12,000 commercial and 16,000 business airplanes to provide in-flight connectivity...
Nick Hughes, Partner at law firm, Holman Fenwick Willan, outlines the positive elements in the current space risk environment, the critical need for management...
The ongoing global network upgrade involves deployment of Variable Coding, Spreading, and Modulation (VCSM) technology provided by ViaSat, Inc., KVH’s partner...
The encoder provides, the company claims, even more bit rate efficiency with the additional benefit of the ability to operate in standard, low and ultra-low...
Hughes Selected by Maju Nusa to supply HX System 4.0 for satellite-based cellular backhaul services in Southeast Asia
Philippines Airlines (PAL) will offer passengers mobile and free wi-fi internet access on-board Asia Pacific, Australasia and North American flights by mid...
The wristwatch encompasses machine-to-machine technology from Gemalto to power a GPS Personal Locator Device (PLD)
Imtech Marine and Inmarsat have signed an agreement making Imtech Marine official Value Added Reseller of Global Xpress.