Photo: ABL Space Systems
ABL Space Systems has won its fourth launch contract with the US Department of Defense. The launcher in development has received a “Responsive Launch II” from the Defense Innovation Unit(DIU). The DIU’s responsive launch programme looks to partner with commercial launch providers that can “enable precision delivery of payloads to prescribed orbits with minimal delay,” according to the unit.
This award builds on ABL’s growing portfolio with the Department, which includes over $50m+ in active contracts.
Speaking about the contract, Dan Piemont, President of Dan Piemont, said: “ABL is proud to partner with the full team that has come together to meet this need. We have designed our systems to provide responsive capabilities since day one, and this effort exemplifies how rapidly developed commercial capabilities can be leveraged to meet emerging DoD needs. Our systems will provide access to space when and where needed, without making any compromises on performance or cost.”
ABL will utilise its purpose-built launch vehicle (RS1) and deployable ground systems (GS0) for the DIU Responsive Launch II mission. RS1 and GS0’s rapid, flexible operations ensure that the launch can respond to disruptions in the existing space architecture. ABL has focused on adaptive manufacturing and production and offers capabilities at a low cost. Together, this enables users to focus on the mission at-hand.
Harry O’Hanley, Chief Executive Officer of ABL, added: “We designed RS1 and GS0 to enable unique responsive launch missions. We’re excited to partner with DIU to demonstrate responsive launch operations and deliver new capabilities to the US Government.”
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