Events News Satellite

International Satellite Navigation Forum gears up for eighth edition

Forum co-located with Navitech 2014 at Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow from April 23-24

The International Satellite Navigation Forum is preparing for its eighth edition, which will be co-located with the International Exhibition for Navigation Systems, Technologies and Services (Navitech) at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow from April 23-24, 2014. The forum is an annual event in the field of commercial use of satellite navigation technologies and the Russian navigation system GLONASS.

The main purpose of the forum is to highlight the current status of and development plans for GLONASS as well as foreign satellite navigation systems, state policies for the commercial use of GLONASS in Russia and overseas, innovative technologies, and up-to-date navigation equipment and services.

The coinciding Navitech 2014 exposition, which is the only specialised satellite navigation exhibition in Russia, will bring together leading Russian and foreign developers and vendors of navigation equipment, services and software including mapping apps. It reflects current world trends and defines a vector for the development of national information resources.

Discussions during the forum will be held covering a range of relevant topics, with the most important including:

Navigation for a person, business and state: new opportunities and perspectives;

Navigation and information services:  determining the future;

In-vehicle smart insurance: explosive growth or evolution?;

Navigation: services for all and everyone;

How to overstep the limits of the domestic market and win;

Navigation: look beyond the horizon;

Supporting innovations: navigation projects; and

State regulation in the navigation sphere: pros and Cons

Major thematic sections of the exhibition include:

In-vehicle navigation and information systems;

Navigation technologies for land development, survey, design and construction;

Automotive and personal navigation, equipment, and LBS services;

Professional navigation equipment, modules and components







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