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Iraq seeks VSAT operations and maintenance support from US

The package also includes supply of 75 VSAT equipment suites, which comprises 1.8m VSAT terminals, BUCs, LNBs and iDirect e8350 modem, among other equipment.

The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale (FMS) of very small aperture terminal (VSAT) operations and maintenance services along with related equipment to Iraq Government.

The package also includes supply of 75 VSAT equipment suites, which comprises 1.8m VSAT terminals, block-up converters (BUCs), low-noise down converters (LNBs), required cables and components, iDirect e8350 modem, network operation and dynamic bandwidth equipment and iMonitor software

Under the estimated USD 125m FMS, Iraq has reportedly requested the supply of VSAT operations and maintenance services, equipment installation services, upgraded VSAT managed and leased bandwidth, as well as video teleconferencing equipment.

The package also includes supply of 75 VSAT equipment suites, which comprises 1.8m VSAT terminals, block-up converters (BUCs), low-noise down converters (LNBs), required cables and components, iDirect e8350 modem, network operation and dynamic bandwidth equipment and iMonitor software.

Iraq is also reportedly seeking spares and repair parts, tools, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, as well as other associated elements of logistics and programme support.

The potential sale will reportedly improve the Iraqi military’s foundational capabilities and supports its self-defence requirements as the equipment and services will be used to provide command and control for its the country’s armed forces.

As well as supporting the development of Iraqi Defense Network’s (IDN) VSAT terminals, the sale also contributes, according to the official release, to the foreign policy and national security of the US by directly enhancing the security of an ally country.

3Di Technologies and L-3 Communications will serve as prime contractors for the FMS programme.