Romantis will be showcasing at IBC 2012 the IP SNG solution; a new version of UHP “all-in-one” satellite platform with new UHP Network Management System and support of IGMP and TCP acceleration. Also at the event will be the latest AM-44 and other satellites capacity offerings and information about the Occasional Use booking system and tariffs.
Romantis IP SNG:
UHP SNG Network supports various modes of operations, based on a combination of different carriers: TDM Outroute / TDMA Inroutes / cSCPC carrier.
• Dynamically shared bandwidth in-between all the SNGs and any other network terminals
• Fully automated lineup procedure that can be performed at any time and without occupying any special slot
• Any transmissions are under Hub control and remotely manageable
• All network terminals can transmit real-time and other content simultaneously (with QoS), fully utilising the bandwidth
• SNGs are always in two-way broadband connectivity with the NOC/ studio
Romantis Occasional Use booking system:
Romantis OU customers are able to book satellite capacity on two transponders of AM44 satellite with a slot size from 2.25 MHz up to 36 MHz’s. Booking is easy and can be performed even by non-qualified personnel: After providing required parameters like bandwidth, date, start- and end-time, user would get information on bandwidth availability and would be able either to choose another time or to continue the booking process. If the data is correct and all mandatory fields are filled, user will get the booking confirmation in 3-5 minutes.
Romantis UHP satellite platform:
UHP VSAT platform – the industry’s first satellite router that can be used within networks of any topology and size either as a HUB or a Remote depending on the activated software.
• “All-in-one” box solution: SCPC, TDM/SCPC, TDM/TDMA, Half Mesh, Full Mesh
• Support of VLAN, multi-level QoS, codec-independent handling of real-time traffic, IGMP and TCP acceleration
• Simultaneous support of full-mesh MF-TDMA and DVB-S2 broadcast distribution of bandwidth-intensive IP applications such as streaming video
• Up to 86 Mbps throughput in TDM/SCPC; up to 6.5 Mbps in Mesh or TDMA (QPSK)
• Compatible with various Drive-Away antennas and standards
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