Thuraya has launched the latest edition of the Thuraya SatSleeve designed for Android-based smartphones. Compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4, the new product allows Samsung Galaxy users to turn their own smartphone into a satellite phone to make phone calls, send SMS messages and access apps via Thuraya’s satellite network when they are unable to connect to a terrestrial GSM network.
The Thuraya SatSleeve eliminates the need for carrying a separate satellite phone. Users only need to dock their Android smartphone into the Thuraya SatSleeve and operate it normally via the Thuraya satellite network. Its built-in SOS button allows users to call one predefined number even without their smartphone attached. Additionally, users can send SMS messages, send and receive email, and access popular social media and instant messaging apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and WhatsApp, among others.
Randy Roberts, Vice-President of Innovation at Thuraya, says: “This latest release of the SatSleeve illustrates Thuraya’s focus on market needs by addressing the installed base of Android devices and enables us to provide easy access to satellite services for our Android customers. Thuraya is progressively working to provide our users with flexible choices for their satellite communication needs when they are travelling or working from areas unserved by terrestrial networks. Whether our customers need connectivity through voice or data services, we are there to keep them connected.”
Thuraya SatSleeve enables users to enjoy ubiquitous coverage in the most remote environments that are not served or that are under served by terrestrial GSM networks. The device also serves as a security back-up for users who are operating in remote locations and in areas where natural or man-made disasters can render terrestrial communications unavailable.
The SatSleeve can be used on the Thuraya network either with a Thuraya SIM card or with a standard GSM SIM card available from one of Thuraya’s GSM roaming partners.
The Thuraya SatSleeve for Android is available from all Thuraya service partners from January 15, 2014.
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