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Yahsat launches Ka-band service

Yahsat, the UAE-based satellite operator, is to launch, a new dedicated business service, YahCarrier, which is reportedly set to be the region’s first Ka-band IP trunking service
Yahsat CEO, Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani (r) and Serge van Herck, CEO of Newtec

Yahsat, the UAE-based satellite operator, is to launch, a new dedicated business service, YahCarrier, which is reportedly set to be the region’s first Ka-band IP trunking service.

The new service, which was launched at CABSAT, will provide telecommunication carriers across the Middle East, Africa and South West Asia, with reliable, cost-effective, ‘always on’ solutions for backhauling local internet data from underserved and un-served locations to the internet.

In addition to the launch of YahCarrier, Yahsat also announced a new partnership with the Belgium based organisation, Newtec, which will provide ground segment technology for this service – installing hubs and terminals on each side of the satellite link through its FlexACM technology,

Yahsat CEO, Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani, commented: “YahCarrier is a new Ka-band service, which is set to make realistic and tangible improvements for Yahsat customers in markets with poor terrestrial infrastructure. It will be the first cost- effective IP Trunking service on Ka Band for carriers in 28 countries; providing  a reliable back-up option for load balancing IP Traffic through our satellites.

“Our agreement with Newtec will help further maximise a variety of services to enable the best possible services to our clients,” he concluded.

Yahsat’s coverage extends over more than 140 countries across the Middle East, Africa, Europe and South West Asia. The Y1B satellite, which is set to launch in April 2012, will include a multi spot-beam Ka-band payload, designed specifically to support broadband access networks. Ka-band spot beam satellites re-use frequencies to maximise spectrum efficiency for more network capacity.

“Yahsat will utilise the full set of FlexACM enabled Newtec Elevation products, including IP modulators, IP demodulators and IP modems, as well as a range of IP appliances that provide state-of-the-art traffic enhancement, compression and protection capabilities for IP services. Together, these will ensure the maximum efficiency and throughput at optimal availability for Yahsat on its new Ka-band satellite,” said Serge van Herck, CEO of Newtec.