The company has reported the highest ever Net Income (profit attributable to the shareholders) of $69.8m.
Ali Al Hashemi
Yahsat will also be included in global index services provider Morgan Stanley Capital International’s Small Cap Indices from December 1, 2021.
The agreements add significantly to Yahsat’s anticipated future cash flows and prior contracted backlog of more than $1.91bn.
New dividend policy to be presented for approval at the company’s next Annual General Meeting in December.
The launch of new satellites presents significant growth opportunities across Yahsat’s business, and will further bolster contracted backlog and secure long...
The normalised adjusted EBITDA margin improved from 60.4% in H1 2020 to 60.9% in H1 2021.
The final offer price for the offering has been set at Dh2.75 ($0.27) per share.
He is young, bold and a dynamic thought leader, ready to take Yahsat to the next level as CEO of the company. Ali Al Hashemi talks to SatellitePro ME about...
Ali Al Hashemi will be CEO and continue to hold the role of General Manager at Yahsat Government Solutions. Thuraya’s former CEO Ahmed Al Shamsi will serve as...