The tech show focused on how 5G-capabilities such as low latency and high data rates, combined with Augmented Reality (AR), can enable real-time applications...
One of the world’s first Core Network as a Service solutions is now in live operation, supporting mobile connectivity across a global footprint of commercial...
Building on the design of previous generations, the 5G Radio Dot takes less than half the time to install compared to other indoor solutions, and will support...
Ericsson’s Mobility Report also predicts a region-wide growth in mobile subscriptions from 1.59 million to 2.03 million by the year 2023
As part of the deal, Ericsson will deliver its AVP 4000 system encoders to Bulgaria Sat, an affiliate of Bulsatcom, 56 HD MPEG-4 services, three HD HEVC...
The consortium will carry out a large digital transformation project for local utilities
The demonstration was conducted in an MTS test lab over a live network and used Ericsson’s Pico RBS 6402 small cell and a Qualcomm Snapdragon X16 LTE mobile...
The trial aims to drive innovation for IoT applications on 5G mobile network technology based on the market requirements in Bahrain
Ericsson’s Radio Dot System is a solution designed to improve mobile network performance inside large buildings
Mobile data traffic will grow 14 times between 2014 to 2020, while globally data will grow nine times