The final order has been put in place to mitigate national security risks in terms of protecting information and maintaining strategic capabilities.
The first installation on an Airshare Challenger 350 has been completed in July 2022.
Peterman joined Comtech’s board in May after a board-led search for an independent director.
Virgin will put the equipped jets into service covering intercontinental flights between the Americas and the United Kingdom in the second half of this year.
Dankberg will be supported in overseeing Viasat’s day-to-day operations by Kevin Harkenrider, who was promoted to COO in 2021.
The acquisition will bring together two major satellite operators with businesses in broadband, mobility, and defence, with a spectrum license portfolio across...
The awards are in the form of Space Act Agreements with the companies matching or exceeding the awards with their own funds.
The satellite operator has installed community internet sites across Eastern Slovakia for refugee connectivity.
The non-binding agreement will leverage satellite broadband capacity from Viasat's current satellite systems and the ViaSat-3 satellite platform once it is...
GSOA's mission is to promote satellite communications to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and contribute to space sustainability.