News Satellite

Aerospacelab to build space surveillance satellite for Vyoma

The company plans for a 12-satellite constellation called Flamingo to collect low-latency SSA data in space.

Vyoma has selected Aerospacelab for a contract for a microsatellite, flying Vyoma’s second Space Situational Awareness (SSA) optical payload, scheduled for launch at the end of 2025. The mission advances Vyoma’s 12-satellite Flamingo constellation designed for the acquisition and provision of low-latency, high-fidelity space-based SSA data.

As part of the contract, Aerospacelab will provide its Versatile Satellite Platform-50 (VSP-50) to host Vyoma’s optical payload, and will provide the manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing service for the mission. This includes not only the integration of the payload, but satellite integration onto the launch vehicle, followed by launch and early-orbit phase and commissioning once in orbit. This mission is the successor of Vyoma’s pilot (first-generation) satellite, due for launch in February 2025.

Commenting on the deal, Dr Luisa Buinhas, Chief Programme Officer for Vyoma, said: “The second-generation satellite technology will significantly improve our in-orbit space surveillance and tracking operations, to acquire data with unprecedented precision. Overall, our growing surveillance constellation will foster a safer and more secure space environment, empowering intelligence officers and operators to make effective operational decisions.”

This is the second commercial contract to date for Aerospacelab’s VSP-50, which relies on the proven heritage and successes of its VSP-150. The company currently operates six VSP-150, including four that were launched on SpaceX Transporter-10 mission. Aerospacelab recently announced that all four of its satellites were commissioned in record time and are fully operational.

Benoit Deper, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Aerospacelab, added: “Commercial industry will accelerate the deployment of critical space capability. We are one of the most vertically integrated satellite manufacturers able to rapidly produce satellite buses and integrate payloads for a diverse set of missions—it comes down to affordability, timeline and reducing risk. We see more value in the investment for our customers based on satellite platform specifications.”