Addvalue’s IDRS solution is designed to deliver an on-demand data connection service for orbital transfer vehicles docking with an orbiting spacecraft.
The new partnership will provide end-to-end connectivity solutions to prevent downtime for radio users in Middle East businesses.
The acquisition will bring together two major satellite operators with businesses in broadband, mobility, and defence, with a spectrum license portfolio across...
With the MoU, both companies have expressed intent to explore further maritime and energy sector opportunities.
A new report has revealed that tankers, fishing vessels and bulk carriers were the three highest sectors for sending distress signals between 2018-2021.
Inmarsat Elevate offers three key pillars to support businesses throughout the IoT ecosystem and cement the industry’s future growth.
The awards are in the form of Space Act Agreements with the companies matching or exceeding the awards with their own funds.
After departing Inmarsat as CEO, Pearce took a role with technology venture capital Columbia Capital in July 2021.
Satellite 2023 will take place from March 13-16, 2023, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
Inmarsat will attend the Partner2Connect roundtable at the World Telecommunication Development Conference from June 6-22.