SES partners with Kythera Space Solutions to develop a software system to dynamically synchronise space and ground resources, utilising real-time data to...
O3b mPOWER is an advanced communications system comprising next-generation MEO satellites, innovative ground infrastructure and software intelligence that...
Four new satellites to scale up the fully-funded and non-geostationary constellation providing low-latency, fibre-like connectivity for data services delivered...
CETel will leverage the O3b fleet’s low latency and high throughput capabilities for big data applications required by the exploration and production industry
The expandable and scalable O3b mPOWER system will leverage space and ground technologies, and enable SES Networks to deliver fully-managed services in the...
Operational benefits of the solution include the capability to transfer large files from remote locations in just minutes instead of hours. Cloud-based...
Digicel is the leading communications operator in Samoa, and has recently launched LTE services to provide a better mobile data experience to its customers