Newtec'S M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modulator took home the Teleport Award for Excellence 2013 and du was declared the Independent Teleport Operator of the...
"Companies can apply for benchmarking in multiple areas," explains Riaz Lamak, Consultant with GVF
The broadband platform will enable voice, data, video, internet and application service solutions over Nigeria via the NigComSat-1R satellite.
Under the terms of the agreement, du will resell Visual Unity services as part of an integrated solution together with its connectivity, satellite, playout and...
The MetaCarrier technology embeds and detects a small message and unique ID within a video or data satellite carrier.
David Hartshorn, Secretary General, Global VSAT Forum, revisits a fundamental question: Why should telcos and satellite service providers work together?
Adding NSS-12 to the map reportedly completes CET's goal of having the African continent covered with Ku- and C-band.
He will place particular emphasis on BringCom’s new Djibouti Teleport satellite business and increased development of fibre optic revenues.
Newtec's M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modulator will be vying for top honours in the category, Teleport Technology of the Year, with ModuMAX General Dynamics...
At CABSAT 2013, the Germany-based teleport and satellite service provider, CETel GmbH, will be showcasing the company’s maritime VSAT services on C- and Ku...
Satellite equipment specialist Newtec has been selected by Gazprom Space Systems (GSS), to provide the equipment for a new VSAT Platform to be run via the...
The satellite industry’s technology-backed value proposition makes it a primary medium for backhauling mobile cell phone traffic, says Daniel Enns of Comtech.