Extension will bring broadband and other critical communications services to more people throughout Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.
OurTV is a hybrid platform that offers free-to-view channels with no monthly subscription apart from a one-time payment for the decoder.
The agreement will enable SatADSL to combine the capacity purchased from YahClick with its cloud-based service delivery platform for flexible satellite...
The hackathon will run as a fully virtual event and the final phase is on May 6 where the hackathon results will be presented remotely.
Union calls for harmonised action by African telco regulators and operators to combat pandemic by implementing Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).
The decision was made as a precautionary measure to ensure the wellbeing of all participants given the ongoing threat of the coronavirus pandemic.
The company aims to deliver digital inclusion services to millions of people in remote and rural communities in Africa.
The end-to-end connectivity solution delivered by SES will be supporting Enabel in its goal of providing partners with the right digital solutions and latest...
Candidates will be selected based on global standards and the competition open to both men and women with the relevant qualifications.
The satellite was built in China and Ethiopian engineers also took part in its construction.